Thursday 31 August 2017


Female pattern baldness involves a typical pattern of #hairloss in women, due to hormones, aging, and genes.


A hair grows from its follicle at an average rate of about 1/2 inch per month. Each hair grows for 2 to 6 years, then rests, and then falls out. A new hair soon begins growing in its place.
Baldness occurs when hair falls out and normal new hair does not grow in its place. The reason for female pattern baldness can be  related to:

  • Aging

  • Changes in the levels of androgens (male hormones). For example, after reaching menopause, many women find that the hair on their head is thinner, while the hair on their face is coarser.

  • Family history of male or female pattern baldness

Hair loss can occur in women for reasons other than female pattern baldness, including the following:
  • Breaking of hair (from treatments and twisting or pulling of hair, or hair shaft abnormalities that are present from birth)
  • Certain skin diseases that lead to scarring of the hair follicles
  • Certain autoimmune diseases

  • Hormone problems, such as too much testosterone, or too much or too little thyroid hormone
  • Too little iron
  • Too little vitamin B (biotin) or other vitamin deficiency
  • Medications such as chemotherapy and beta blockers
  • Patchy hair loss (alopecia areata )
  • Syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection
  • Temporary shedding of hair after a major illness, surgery, or pregnancy


Hair thinning is different from that of male pattern baldness. In female pattern baldness:
  • Hair thins mainly on the top and crown of the scalp. It usually starts with a widening through the center hair part.
  • The front hairline remains
  • The hair loss rarely progresses to total or near total baldness, as it may in men
Itching or skin sores on the scalp are generally NOT seen.

Exams and Tests

Female pattern baldness is usually diagnosed based on:
  • Ruling out other causes of hair loss
  • The appearance and pattern of hair loss
  • Your medical history
Our doctor  @cosmoworldclinics  will examine you for other signs of too much male hormone (androgen), such as:
  • Abnormal new hair growth, such as on the face or between the belly button and pubic area.
  • Changes in menstrual periods and enlargement of the clitoris
  • New acne
A skin biopsy or other procedures or blood tests may be used to diagnose skin disorders that cause hair loss.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Greying of Hairs

Hair colour is produced by cells known as melanocytes, which migrate into the hair bulb as the hair follicles develop in utero. The melanocytes produce pigment that is incorporated into the growing hair fibres to produce hair in a different array of natural shades.
Hair colour depends on the presence and ratios of two groups of melanins: eumelanins (brown and black pigments) and pheomelanins (red and yellow pigments). While variations in the ratio of these pigments can produce an large number of colours and tones, siblings often have strikingly similar hair colour.

Hair colour varies according to body site, with eyelashes being darkest because they contain high levels of eumalanin. Scalp hair is usually lighter than pubic hair, which often has a red tinge, due to the presence of more phaeomelanin pigments. A red tinge is also common in underarm and beard hair, even in people with essentially brown hair on their scalp.
Hair greying is an eventual and irreversible reality of life and is often associated with growing old. he root of every hair strand under the scalp is surrounded by a tube of hair tissue called hair follicle which contains pigment cells. These pigment cells produce the chemical called melanin that gives the hair strand its colour - black, brown, blonde, red et al. 
When a person grows older, these pigment cells begin to die and the melanin production reduces too, making the strand less colourful and more transparent - grey, silver or white. And that is why hair greying is associated with age.
Even though genetics and hereditary factors play a major role in determining the time of your hair turning grey. 
A number of medical conditions as well as lifestyle choices have been related to premature greying of hair. 

Medical Conditions:

  • Thyroid Disease: An underactive or overactive thyroid can affect the melanin production in the hair which can cause premature greying.
  • B12 Deficiency: Deficiency of B12 has also been linked to premature greying of hair.
  • Vitiligo: Vitiligo is a disease that is caused when the pigment producing cells in your skin and hair are damaged. Once the cells in your scalp are damaged, melanin production is reduced  and hair begins to turn grey
It is advisable to see a doctor if you experience premature greying of hair and have a reason to believe that it is not hereditary. This is essential so that you can rule out these serious disorders that have caused early hair greying. 
While some medical conditions are the cause for premature greying of hair, it is not always the case. There are a number of lifestyle choices too that have been related to it. 

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Some Hair care Tips for men

For healthy hairs , it is very important to take care of your hairs. The hair care routine for men is the same as it is for women, with a few variations.

With regular hair care, your hairstyle will last longer and look as good as it is meant to.

#1 Don’t over-wash your hair

  • Don’t wash your hair too often, especially if you’ve got dry hair
  • Twice a week is enough
  • And always use a conditioner

#2 Dry your hair gently; don’t rub it

  • Pat your hair dry gently and keep hair intact 
  • Wet hair is delicate and violent rubbing can damage it

#3 Get rid of that comb-over!

  • Your hair might be thinning
  • Get a haircut that suits the thinning look. Do not, under any circumstances, do a comb-over . Women run from that

#4 Use an egg conditioner

  • Use eggs generously on your hair, it provides nourishment to your hairs. 
  • Nourish you hair and emerge with shiny, healthy strands after washing off with a good shampoo like Head & Shoulders for Men Hair Retain Shampoo

#5 Protect your hair from chlorine

  • We all know how bad chlorine can be for hair
  • To protect your hair, simply wet it with clean water and apply a little conditioner before you dive in. Or you can wear a swimming cap

#6 Use less products on your hair

  • Avoid using too many products in your hair 
  • Over time this build up can make your hair look weighed down and just not natural

#7 Use a clarifying shampoo

  • Wash your hair every once in a while with a clarifying shampoo to wash away the product build up from your hair and scalp

These tips will help you keep your tresses shiny , healthy and lustrous.

Monday 28 August 2017


#Hairloss is a common condition that can happen to anyone. But people believe in some myths and these myths lead to a lot of people believing that they can actually prevent their hair loss by using these techniques. 
Some myths and truth behind hair loss that can be highlighted so that  we can help people understand more about hair loss and why it affects some people.

MYTH: Washing hair in cold water will prevent baldness 
TRUTH: Washing your hair with cold water may increase blood circulation, but it will not prevent baldness
There are some benefits to washing your hair in cold water, such as frizz prevention and cuticle tightening. However, there are no direct associations between washing your hair in cold water and baldness prevention. 
MYTH: Wearing a hat will cause baldness
TRUTH: Hair follicles don’t need to breathe as they get their oxygen from the blood
The only cause of baldness from hats is if you wear one that exerts excessive tension or friction on your head. Hair follicles don’t need to breathe on the exterior, meaning that you can wear a hat 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Hats will not cause hair loss. 
MYTH:Regular brushing of the hair and scalp will prevent hair loss
TRUTH: Brushing will boost circulation but will not stop balding
In fact, brushing your hair too much may cause injury, which will lead to hair loss. Many assume that boosting blood circulation in your head will make balding hair re-grow. But, in fact, this is not true. 
MYTH: Cutting your hair will not prevent hair loss
TRUTH: Your hair feels thicker after a haircut but it does not prevent hair loss 
Your hair might feel lusciously thick after visiting a salon but that does not mean cutting it prevents hair loss. The hair follicles only appear that way simply because the hair shaft is thicker near the roots. Also shorter hair tends to have more lift which gives the impression of thickness and volume. 
MYTH: Hair loss comes from the mother’s side
TRUTH: It is often genetic but comes from both parents 
Many people believe that hair loss is passed down from the mother’s side. While the X chromosome (which you get from your mother) is  key gene for baldness, it is not the only genetic factor. Men who have bald fathers also have an increased chance of going bald. Baldness in general is usually genetically determined.

Cosmoworld Clinics is the Best hair transplant clinic in india delivering natural looking hairs at par with international standards. Book an appointment now call 9643636652 or visit

Saturday 26 August 2017

Is oiling necessary for hairs ???

Oiling ones hair is one of the most important things, if we want to take care of our hair. It is very necessary that hair is given proper treatment which would mean a massage with some of the most beneficial oils. Having the right kind of oil for your hair is very important and so is oiling your hair. 

Having good hair oil is not enough eating the right kind of food also helps. Harmful foods such as canned and processed food which do not protect your hair instead damage it, should not be eaten. Fresh coconut is very good for your hair.

For beautiful and strong hair, massage your scalp with hair oil and leave it overnight. You can also use a steamed towel to cover your hair for half an hour for best results. This gives your hair a shiny and lustrous look.
Oiling your hair everyday would be too much to ask for. But do this at least twice week for beautiful hair. It does make a lot of difference if you keep doing this regularly as it is bound to show on your hair.
The massaging and oiling of your hair stimulates the blood circulation, which in return helps your hair. Due to the oil your hair is protected from the strong and hot sun rays. The oil also gives your hair that extra shine.
Some of the oils beneficial for hairs :-
Jojoba Oil - can be used for dry hair as it helps to moisturize your hair properly. It helps to soften your hair and can be used to detangle your hair before shampooing.
Olive Oil - strengthens your hair and nourishes it due to inherent qualities it has. It helps to reduce stress and promotes the idea of healthy hair by providing elasticity to your hair.
Coconut Oil - is one of the oil which helps in the lubrication of the hair. The content in coconut oil like magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron happens to provide the best for your hair. It is very useful for damaged hair due to its ability to strengthen it.
Rosemary Herbal Oil - is very useful for the unwanted and flaky dandruff problems. Warm the oil slightly and apply it with the help of your fingers or cotton. Rub it well on the scalp and wrap with a hot towel.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Essential vitamins and minerals for hair growth


For healthy hair growth, it is necessary to have enough of vitamin C, B vitamins such as Biotin (also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H) and Niacin (Vitamin B3). Foods such as sweet red peppers, guavas and dark green leafy kale contain very high amounts of Vitamin C. Foods such as the dark leafy green Swiss chard, carrots, and nuts including almonds and walnuts, are all naturally high in Vitamin B7. Niacin (Vitamin B3) is found in fish such as tuna and salmon, poultry (chicken and turkey), roasted peanuts and mushrooms. All of these vitamins – Vitamin C, Vitamin B7 (Biotin) and Vitamin B3 (Niacin) have been proven to help promote healthy hair growth and reduce hair loss.


Iron and Zinc are two minerals that promote healthy hair growth. Iron-rich foods are lean meats, spinach, chicken and beans or lentils. Iron is an essential mineral that has several important roles in the body including helping to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body to all the cells. Hair loss can be one of the visible symptoms of anemia, or Iron deficiency. But even if you are not anemic, you may have low Iron levels that are affecting your health and may result in thinning hair. Seek medical advice if you believe you have low Iron levels. Foods naturally rich in Zinc include seafood, beef and lamb, wheat germ (toasted), spinach and pumpkin seeds. A diet rich in the minerals Iron and Zinc will help nourish hair from the inside out. If you do not have enough of the minerals in your diet to promote hair growth, consider taking dietary supplements for hair growth, including Iron, Zinc, Biotin, Niacin, Vitamin C and an exclusive marine complex derived from fish proteins. 

Wednesday 23 August 2017

How does sleep affect your hairs ??

Sleep is the body’s natural restoration period, the time when it rejuvenates and repairs itself. When this suffers, our hair can too. Without enough shut-eye, our tresses simply won’t grow as thick or as fast, and they will often lose their shine and bounce. sleep deprivation is also a form of stress.A lack of sleep has been shown to affect the body’s immune function, hormone secretion, physical and mental stamina. Hair is very sensitive to changes within the body, and hair loss is nearly always the consequence of an internal disturbance.Improper sleep leads to stress  and it can indeed cause hair loss. In those susceptible to male pattern baldness or female pattern hair loss, stress can instigate, accelerate and aggravate the problem.So, it's better to have sound sleep and also treat your tresses to a silk or satin pillowcase, besides feeling delightfully soft, the smooth surface creates less friction so it’s easier on your locks when you toss and turn. This can help prevent hair loss and breakage overnight.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Is hair transplant a safe method ???

Hair Transplant is a permanent hair loss solution in cases of established baldness. There are two procedures by which it can be performed i.e FUT ( Follicular unit Transplantation or FUE ( Follicular Unit Extraction ) which will be suggested by the surgeon. Undetectable and natural looking hairline can be achieved through the hair Transplantation. It is one of the best option to treat baldness and achieve natural looking results.

Hair transplantation is a procedure that involves extraction of  root bearing hair follicles from the donor area i.e. back and sides of the head and implanting them on the recipient area (bald area). It involves the transfer permanent hairs from the back  and sides of the scalp to the areas of balding.


  • No incision, no sutures
  • Negligible pain & discomfort
  • Faster healing
  • Natural look
  • Direction of hair maintained
  • No scarring
  • Permanent cure
  • As patient’s own hair is transplanted in hair transplants, regrown hair completely simulates the original hair in texture, color, curl and caliber.
@cosmoworldclinics provides the best hair transplantation treatments that revitalize your hair and give your hair that thickness, strength , and charm that it deserves.  With the best of our techniques available, regain your youth and confidence again. 

Book an appointment now , call - 9643636652 

Monday 21 August 2017

How to Maintain Healthy Hair???

1. It's normal to lose 100 to 150 strands of hair a day so don't panic when you see a small bunch crawling across your tiled floor.

2. Comb wet hair with extreme care because they're fragile and prone to breakage. Take a broad toothed comb and run it from the roots to the ends of your hair as gently as possible.
3. Trim your hair every few weeks to get rid of those brown and rough split ends. Cut about 1/4th an inch of your hair every 6 to 8 weeks to avoid the split ends to grow out again.
4. Don't wash your hair everyday and whenever you do, apply some conditioner on the ends. Try and use the same brand of shampoo and conditioner.

5. Rinse the conditioner off with cold water as it is good for both strength and shine.

Deep Conditioning
Even though you condition your hair after every wash, nothing quite works as good as deep conditioning.Every once in a while wash your hair with shampoo, squeeze out the extra water and towel dry it. Then take generous amounts of conditioner and apply it right to the root of your hair. Use a broad toothed comb and run it through your hair to make sure the conditioner reaches everywhere. 


Saturday 19 August 2017

How to choose right shampoo for your hair

There are so many shampoos on the market today, it can be confusing to decide what particular type and brand is best for your hair. The best way to distinguish what is and is not best for your hair, you first need to understand shampoo and the different varieties so that you can arrive at quick decision.

The main purpose of shampoo is to properly cleanse the hair and scalp. An effective shampoo will remove dirt, oils, and dead skin cells without negatively affecting the hair and scalp.
The hair and scalp needs to be shampooed regularly to fight the build up of oils, dirt, and natural flakes that can create an environment for disease producing bacteria. Regular shampooing will vary from person to person depending on the type of hair you have. Oily hair needs to be shampooed more often to control brittleness and breakage.
Excessive shampooing on both oily and dry hair can strip the hair of its natural protective oil that seals and protects the hair’s cuticle. If your hair is constantly dry, try shampooing it a little less frequent to see if that will help eliminate the problem.

Water Makes A Difference
Water is the most important and abundant element on earth. It is vital to sustaining life on the planet and plays a large part in aiding hair with bounce, body, and shine. So it has to be taken into consideration.
Soft water, which is best for shampooing, is rain water or chemically softened that contains small amounts of minerals. Hard water contains more minerals and reduce the ability of soap or shampoo to lather readily. It can also change the results of hair coloring. Hard water is found mostly where well water is used to supply the home.
Let's find out some of the types of shampoo available :-
Acid Balanced Shampoo – is a shampoo that is balanced to the pH of skin and hair. Shampoo can become acid balanced by adding citric, lactic, or phosphoric acid. An acid pH of 4.5 to 5.5 is essential to prevent excessive dryness and hair damage during the cleansing process. Acid-balanced shampoos help to close the hair cuticle and are recommended for hair that has been color treated or lightened.
Conditioning and Moisturizing Shampoo – are shampoos that are non-stripping and do not remove natural oils and artificial colors from the hair. The purpose of these shampoos are to make the hair smooth and shiny, improve hair manageability, and avoid damage to chemically treated hair. These conditioning agents restore moisture and elasticity, adds volume, and strengthens the hair shaft.
Medicated Shampoo – contain special ingredients, chemicals, or drugs that help combat certain scalp conditions such as dandruff, eczema, or psoriasis. Some medicated shampoos that fight the more severe scalp conditions must be prescribed by a doctor. These shampoos are quite strong, are very drying to the hair, and can effect the color of tinted or lightened hair. In most cases, the shampoo must rest on the scalp for a longer period of time than regular shampoo in order for the active ingredients to take effect.
Clarifying Shampoo – are shampoos that are acidic on the pH scale. They cut through product buildup that can flatten hair, and allow the hair to shine. This type of shampoo should be used once a week or once every 2 weeks. 
Balancing Shampoo – is the most misused shampoo due to not understanding its use. Balancing shampoos are designed for oily hair and scalp and wash away excess oil in the hair. This shampoo is not ideal for dry and brittle hair.
Dry or Powder Shampoo – are shampoos that cleanse the hair without the use of water. This is ideal for the elderly and people where there is a challenge to use water on the hair due to some type of incapacity. The powder is applied throughout the hair and then brushed thoroughly where the product picks up dirt and oil leaving the hair clean and with more volume.
Color Enhancing Shampoo – are designed to brighten, add a slight hint of color, and eliminate unwanted color tones to the hair. Similar to temporary color rinses, they contain basic color pigments that are attracted to porous hair and revives color that has been removed with plain shampooing.
Volumizing Shampoo – gently cleanses hair without adding weight with heavy oils and conditioning agents. These shampoos provide body and fullness to fine, lifeless hair while improving strength, shine, and manageability.
Using the right hair care products at home can make all the difference in how your hair looks, feels, and behaves. So, make yourself aware of the right products by reading our blog .@cosmoworldclinics.. Book an appointment now, call : 9643636652

Friday 18 August 2017

Benefits oF Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant surgery is the procedure that is used to implant hair follicles from a donor area of a patient's scalp to an area that has experienced hair loss. It is a mean of gaining your self confidence again.

Hair transplant surgery has continued to grow in popularity over the years due to success rates and improved technologies that make the surgery less invasive, the healing time quicker and more importantly a natural treatment.

Some of the benefits :-

Better Looks

Most people who deal with hair loss issues, loose their self confidence because of it. That feeling of being “ugly” or not normal because your hair is thin, or non existent - goes away with a hair transplant because you are now replacing that hairless area with locks that make you feel attractive and young all over again.

A Permanent Solution

Unlike topical treatments, or holistic remedies that say they might work to help grow back your hair, a hair transplant is permanent and the results will last. Once all surgeries are completed by the doctor, you can be done with the entire ordeal - forever.  

Improved Self-Esteem

Not only are those who suffer from hair loss upset about their appearance in the mirror, but this often time has also lead to lowered self esteem because the person is feeling as if they are not living up to a societal norm, and there is nothing they can do to make themselves look more acceptable. With a hair transplant surgery, patients have hair growing again in the problem areas and not only do they like what they see again in the mirror, but that leads to improved self-esteem, higher levels of self confidence and much better outlook on life in general.

Cost Savings

While hair transplants are more costly than going out and buying a gimmick remedy from a drugstore , the truth is those remedies must be bought multiple times - and that is if they are even producing results in the first place. One way to think about it is that over time, the actual surgical procedure is saving more money overall than what you are paying out of pocket for treatments time and time again, that actually might not even be having a permanent effect. So always go for permanent ones.

A Natural Appearance

For years, people shied away from hair transplants and things like hair pieces to help mask their hair loss issues because they were seen as comical. Thanks to improvements in technology and techniques, surgeons have been able to perfect their craft and are now producing hair transplant results that are so natural, many people cannot even tell it was done. They give you natural and guaranteed results.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Common signs and symptoms for hair loss

Signs of hair loss conditions vary among males, females and children. However people of any age or sex can experience the hair loss making them feel embarrassing and affecting their self esteem and confidence.

The signs of hair loss and hair conditions in men may include:
  • Thinning hair on the scalp
  • A receding hairline
  • A horseshoe-shaped pattern that leaves the crown of the head exposed
Signs of hair loss and hair conditions in women may include:
  • General hair thinning, especially at the crown of the head
Signs of hair loss and hair conditions in children and young adults may include:
  • Sudden loss of patches of hair
  • Complete loss of all hair on the body
  • Patches of broken hairs and incomplete hair loss on the scalp and/or eyebrows
  • Excessive shedding of hair, but not complete baldness, after various illnesses and drug treatments, rapid weight loss, anemia, or stress
Regain your youth and confidence again.. call 9643636652 or visit