Sunday 31 July 2016



Dandruff  is  the  shedding  of  dead skin cells  from the scalp. It  is  one of  the common scalp 
disorder affecting  almost half  of  the  population  at  the post -pubertal age and  of  any  sex
and ethnicity. Some  people  experience  unusually  large  amount  of  flaking  either chronically or  as  a result  of  certain triggers which  can  be  accompanied  by  redness  and  itching. In majority of cases  of  dandruff, there  is  no  known  cause. However,  there  are  indications that heredity, diet  and upset in the  body`s  hormonal  balance may  be  contributory factors. However, the  etiology  of  dandruff  has  focused on the role  of  a fungus normally found  on the human scalp and skin ( Malassezia furfur), a dimorphic  lipophilic  fungus.

Although the actual  cause of dandruff  is generally not known, but it can have several causes including:-

  • Irritated oily  skin 
  • Not shampooing often enough
  • A yeast like fungus ( Malassezia)
  • Dry skin
  • Sensitivity to hair care products
The  severity and occurrence of  symptoms of  dandruff  vary  between  individuals .It  is generally  not  a serious  condition but  there is  potential  for  complications in some people, such as  a secondary bacterial  infection or  fungal  infection. Some  of the  symptoms can be easily appreciated .For most  teens  and  adults , dandruff signs  are  easy  to spot:-

  • White, oily looking flakes of dead  skin that dot your  hair and  shoulders.
  • Scaly  and  itchy  scalp.
  • Red  and  greasy  patches  of  skin and  feeling tingly  on the skin .
Dandruff  is  a  chronic  condition that  comes  and  goes  and is  not  curable. However, with a well  integrated  treatment  plan, symptoms  of  dandruff  can  be  effectively controlled  and  minimized.
  • Use  of  anti-dandruff shampoos.
  • Rosemary Oil
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Vitamin B12
  • Topical  Corticosteroid 
  • Salicyclic acid  shampoos


In general,  daily  cleansing  with a gentle  shampoo  or  any anti- dandruff  shampoo  to  reduce  oiliness and  skin  cell  build  up  can  often  help  mild  dandruff.  If  dandruff  is  worsening  ( spreading , causing  hairloss,  swelling,  increasing  redness, painful or  infected), you  should  contact  your  doctor  if  your  symptoms  show  no signs  of  improvement  after  using  anti- dandruff  shampoo  for  2  weeks. You  may  require  stronger  prescription treatment.


Wednesday 20 July 2016

Golden Rules of Good Hair Care !!

Golden Rules of Good Hair Care !!

1. Do invest in a good haircut. Caring for your locks becomes so much easier when you are sporting a fabulous 'wash and wear' style.

2. Do wash your hair with the correct products. Dry hair requires a moisture-drenching shampoo, while oily hair benefits from frequent shampooing with a purifying, oil-regulating shampoo.

3. Do brush your hair each morning. This will help remove dust, dirt and loose scales. It also stimulates the blood supply and distributes sebum along the hair shaft.

4. Don't use a brush on wet hair. Use a wide-toothed comb instead. Start at the ends, gently working your way up towards the roots. Brush your hair at night before going to bed. If your hair is long, tilt your head forward and brush from the base of the head forward.

5. Do allow your hair to dry naturally as often as possible. Use a highly absorbent towel to mop up excess moisture then finger dry.

6. Don't expose your hair to the sun during the hottest time of the day. Cover up and wear a hat instead.

7. Don't forget to clean your brushes and combs. Let them soak in warm, soapy water once a week.

8. Do nourish your scalp with oil twice weekly. This will help to soften and strengthen graying hair. Choose from almond, coconut or extra-virgin olive oil. Soak a cotton ball in the oil and dab on to the scalp, leave for half an hour then wash with very warm water. Finish with a cold rinse to flatten the cuticle of the hair. The result?  Softer, smoother, manageable hair.

9. Don't tie your hair back too tightly and never when it is wet. This stretches the hair shaft, causing it to break and split.

10. Do eat foods rich in skin and hair enhancing essential fatty acids. By taking care of your diet, the state of your inner health will reflect in the condition of your hair. Be kind to yourself.

11. Don't over-style. Experts recommend using a blow dryer only for special occasions. At the end of your styling session, switch to cold air. This closes the hair shaft, leaving the hair smooth, glossy and 

12. Don't forget to keep regular scheduled appointments with your stylist. Making an appointment for a trim every 4 to 6 weeks will leave your hair in tiptop condition.

Monday 11 July 2016



                    Sometimes,  despite  the  huge  and  lucrative  potential  market  for  an  affordable  and   effective  hair loss  remedy, it  seems  as  if  nobody  is  even  trying  to  find  one.

A  full  head  of  hair  is  always   associated  with  strength, confidence, youth  and  power. In  our  day-today life, we  can  easily  appreciate   the  people  talking  about  common  hair  loss  problems and  finding  remedies  for  it, but  most  important  thing  is  to  pick  up  the  right  ingredient. We can  easily  visualize  reactions of  different  people in  the  form  of  frustration, depression , loss of self esteem, social withdrawal. Its  not  about  looks , although  that's  certainly a part of it , its  about a  loss  of  control, the passage  of  time and  mortality. In  the  last  5 to 7 yrs ,there  has  been  a boon in  the  understanding  of  hair loss. Our  scientists  armed  with  powerful  new tools are  learning  how  to  coin  treatments  for  various  forms  of  hair loss. Now a days, treatments for  various  forms  of  hair loss  have shown  moderate  success and  are  broadly  available in  the  form of :-

  • Medications
  • Dietary Supplements
  • Surgical treatments
  • Non surgical hair loss treatments 
Many  studies  are  going  on , although  human  hair  follicles  were  previously  thought  gone  in  areas  of  complete  baldness, they  are  more likely  to  be  dormant, as  recent  studies  have  shown that  the  scalp  contains  the  stem  cells  from  which  the  follicles  arose .As  per  May  2015  review , no  successful  strategy  to  generate human  hair  follicles for  hair regrowth  from  adult  stem  cells has  yet  been  reported. However  research  is  still  going  on  these  follicular  stem cells leading  to  successes  in  treating  baldness  through  hair  multiplication, also  known  as  HAIR CLONING.                          

Monday 4 July 2016

Hair loss or Hair shedding?

Hair loss or Hair shedding?   
If you’ve been noticing more hairs on your pillow or hairbrush than normal, you may worry that you have hair loss. You could actually just be shedding more hairs than normal.
Hair shedding often stops on its own
It’s normal to shed between 50 and 100 hairs a day. When the body sheds significantly more hairs every day, a person has excessive hair shedding. The medical term for this condition is Telogen Effluvium.
Excessive hair shedding is common in people who have experienced one the following stressors:
  • Lost 20 pounds or more
  • Given birth
  • Experiencing lots of stress
  • Had high fever
  • Undergone a surgery
  • Stopped taking birth-control pills
Most people notice the excessive hair shedding a few months after the stressful event. For example, a new mom can see excessive hair shedding about two months after giving birth. The shedding usually peaks about four months after giving birth. This shedding is normal — and temporary.
As your body readjusts, the excessive shedding stops. Within 6 to 9 months, the hair tends to regains its normal fullness. People who are constantly under a lot of stress can experience long-term excessive hair shedding.
Hair loss differs from hair shedding
Hair loss occurs when something stops the hair from growing. The medical term for this condition is Anagen Effluvium. The most common causes of hair loss include:
  • Hereditary hair loss
  • Immune system overreacts
  • Some drugs and treatments
  • Hairstyles that pull on the hair
  • Harsh hair care products
  • Compulsion to pull out one’s hair
If you have hair loss, your hair will not grow until the cause stops. For example, people who undergo chemotherapy or radiation treatments often lose a lot of hair. When the treatment stops, their hair tends to regrow.
Other causes of hair loss may require treatment. Many people who have hereditary hair loss continue to lose hair without treatment. A woman who inherits the genes for hereditary hair loss may notice gradual thinning. Men who have hereditary hair loss tend to develop a receding hairline or bald patch that begins in the center of the scalp.
Specialized Doctors can distinguish between hair loss and hair shedding
If you are concerned by the amount of hair falling out, you don’t need to suffer in silence. You can turn to a Specialist Doctor for help. These doctors specialize in diagnosing and treating the skin, hair, and nails. Doctor can tell you whether you have hair loss or excessive hair shedding. Some people have both.
Doctor also can find the cause or causes and tell you what you can expect. Effective treatments options are available for many types of hair loss. The sooner treatment begins, the better the prognosis.