Friday 29 September 2017

Does bleaching cause hair damage ???

Bleach and highlights remove color from your hair by the process of oxidation. Oxidation decolorizes the pigment in your hair shaft, which is why bleach will turn your hair almost white if it’s left on for too long. Very bleached hair often gains a ‘yellow’ tint, because keratin (the protein your hair is made of) is naturally a pale yellow. Hair needs to be tinted as well as bleached for the ‘platinum blond’ look. Of all coloring methods, bleach is potentially the most damaging, Bleaching raises your hairs’ outer cuticle, allowing the bleaching agent to fully penetrate. However, repeated bleaching can permanently raise the cuticle scales and allow rapid and continuous loss of moisture. 

Damage from bleach includes dry, brittle, inelastic hair, and hair that is more prone to breakage and split ends. Bleached hair is also more porous and swollen and therefore more vulnerable to other chemical and non-chemical processes. The amount of damage done also depends on the amount of color change. For instance, going from a dark to a light shade is the most hazardous because the coloring (bleaching) agent is stronger and left on for longer. 
The best way to combat dryness, brittleness and breakage is to use a pre-shampoo deep conditioning treatment three days before and also after bleaching or highlighting, and then weekly thereafter. This plumps your hair with moisture, making it more elastic .

Bleaching raises your hair cuticle, causing hairs to interlock and tangle easily. Condition after every shampoo to flatten the cuticle, seal in moisture, reduce knots and add shine.

Turn off your blow-dryer when your hair is ‘just dry’. Overheating and drying bleached hair further reduces moisture and elasticity. 

Use a smoothing product to help close and smooth your hair cuticle. This will help reduce moisture evaporation and also give your hair a glossier and healthier appearance.

@cosmoworldclinics offers best hair transplant services at an affordable price.. call 9643636652, 9643643731 or mail us at or visit at

Thursday 28 September 2017


Hair Transplant surgery is a permanent solution for baldness. It’s a safe procedure ,during which hair roots from back of the head are plucked out and implanted in the bald patch . Hair growth starts after 3-4 months and complete growth is seen after 10-12 months.

Since it is performed under local anaesthesia , it is important that the procedure is done only by specialists. Only a specialist doctor can decide about the anaesthesia dosage and technique of the operation. Every patient undergoing surgery should undergo a detailed research before approaching any hair care centre.


 We take pride to give a professional and customized approach to each patient, during and even after the treatment also. Patients who want to go for hair transplant in Delhi, Faridabad, Agra, Banglore, Hyderabad , Pune  can select “Cosmoworld clinics” as it is the  number 1 choice as the treatment are done in hygienic environment , maintaining international standard, and approach by  trained team of staff and qualified doctors.

Your safety is our motive. We work to provide Top hair transplant in Delhi as well as other parts of India. All treatments and procedures are carried out under supervision of certified & experienced doctors and are completely safe, without any risk or side effects. We are committed to provide total care and comfort to every patient coming to us. We believe in meeting realistic expectations.

“ Cosmoworldclinics” is a leading hair transplant clinic  in India offering wide range of hair care treatments with best possible resources.

Book an appointment now, call -9643636652 , 9643643731 or mail us at or visit at


Friday 22 September 2017

How mesotherapy works in hairloss???

Mesotherapy is an alternative treatment that is used to treat both male and female pattern baldness. It regulates the growth factors, proteins, and vitamins in the scalp .
Mesotherapy involves the use of an injection which injects the essential nutrients into the mesoderm of the scalp.

 Injection is given to the patient only after diagnosing the cause of the hair loss. Either by a 30 number gauge thin needle or by a computerized mesotherapymesogun aided injection, the vitamins, minerals, or the Finasteride and Minoxidil in the required amount are injected into the mesoderm at every 1 cm distance of the thinning area of the scalp.
The treatment maximizes the absorption of the nutrients by the hair follicles. This absorption activates the dormant or semi-dormant hair follicles to trigger more growth.
 It assures the scalp to have a proper amount of amino acids which is crucial for the health of the hairs and boosts the keratin production. For this reason, it is considered as an effective treatment for almost all the scalp and hair related issues.

The technique is safe.

Minimizes the side-effects such as allergies and drug interaction.

Does not involve the use of anaesthesia

Ensures quick recovery

Virtually painless

Get the look and confidence you desire @cosmoworldclinics.. Book an appointment now, call 9643636652 or 9643643731 or mail us at or visit at


Thursday 21 September 2017


Chia seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, manganese, calcium and phosphorous. It is amazing how these tiny seeds can help you with problems ranging from sustaining energy levels, excessive weight loss to hair loss.

Chia seeds are tiny white or dark brown seeds that belong to the mint family. 
The seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which are essential fatty acids that cannot be synthesized in the body and need to be ingested through food. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to maintain a healthy circulatory system, to reduce inflammation in the body and to keep the hair and skin healthy. The amount of antioxidants in chia seeds is more than what you can find in cranberries.

      Chia seeds are made of upto 23% protein. Our hair  is primarily made of a protein called Keratin. Consuming chia seeds helps in restoring the health and strength in the hair and giving you thick and voluminous hair.

     Copper and Zinc are important minerals which are found in chia seeds. Copper helps in cutting down thinning of hair while zinc helps in repairing damage and preventing scalp infections.

    Loss of iron from the body is one of the major causes of hair loss among women. Consuming Chia seeds will restore the iron levels in the body, promoting better circulation and hair growth.

    The seeds help promote better sleep, which is essential to relieve stress. Once you are free from stress, it is goodbye to hair problems.
@cosmoworldclinics can help you meet your realistic expectations… contact us at 9643636652, 9643643731 or mail us at or visit

Wednesday 20 September 2017

FUE OVER FUT … Which one is better ?

Patients considering hair transplant surgery will often come across the terms FUE or FUT during the course of their research and wonder how to decide whether an FUE or FUT hair transplant is the right choice for them. There are two surgical techniques by which hair can be removed from the donor area of a patient’s scalp. Follicular unit transplantation, FUT, and follicular unit extraction, FUE. In an FUT hair transplant a thin strip of hair is removed from the donor region. In an FUE transplant each hair graft is removed from the donor region one by one, using a punch tool. Regardless of whether FUE or FUT is used to remove the hair, the method for transplanting each of the grafts is exactly the same. We can have comparisons for both the procedures

Can the Same Person Have Both FUT and FUE?
Yes. FUT may be used first to maximize the yield of the initial procedure, but then in subsequent sessions, the scalp may become too tight to perform further FUT/strip procedures or the donor scar may become wider than anticipated. In the former case, the surgeon can switch to FUE for subsequent sessions. In the latter, the surgeon may use FUE to harvest follicular units and then implant them into the widened scar, camouflaging it.
If FUE is performed first and the yield is lower than what the doctor deems acceptable, the patient may consider switching to FUT either for the remainder of that procedure or in subsequent surgeries.
Looking for best hair transplant in town ? Cosmoworld clinics offers best surgery by internationally certified doctors. For MORE info call – 9643636652, 9643643731 or mail us at or visit

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Can excessive oiling leads to hair loss??

Applying excessive oil on hairs causes the hair loss. Yes, this can be true because many people are facing the problem of hair loss due to the excessive oiling.
According to some research that was conducted to study the effect of the oil on hairs have shown 2 results. It concluded that applying oil in minute amount is good for hairs but applying in excess can reverse its good effect into negative impact. Anything in excess is not good for the health; the same effect is being seen in this case.

 The usage of the oil must be in controlled limit to get its good impact on the hairs. The type of the oil you are using also affects the hair growth and hair structure. You need to balance the use of the oil as per your hair structure and quality.

Oil is essential nutrient for the hairs for the proper growth. Specifically the oil made from the coconut is noted to be very effective in promoting the natural hair growth process. So, as per the general assumptions oil is good for the hairs. But, this is what later on makes us addicted towards the oil usage. We later on start applying the oil daily on the hairs as it makes look the hairs better. So, it is advisible to limit the oil usage. You must never apply the oil in excess as it may damage the hair growth. Numbers of studies have proved that excessive oil usage is not good for the health of the hairs.

When a person starts applying the oil regularly on the hairs then the formation of the oil layer takes place on the every hair. This way the hairs get sticky and the dust particles or any other foreign bodies stick to the hairs. These particles get deposited at the basement of the hairs and start the formation of the dandruff. As a result the hairs loosen their grip from the basement and once you comb them they start falling. Even the nutrient supply to the hairs is being insufficient once they loosen their grip over the scalp. Applying oil on the head is good for the health. For this you need to follow a strict routine. Never apply it in excess otherwise it may damage the health of the hairs. 

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Book an appointment now call – 9643636652, 9643643731 or connect us through or mail us at

Monday 18 September 2017

Can Dandruff Be Responsible For Hair Loss?

 Do you begin to lose your hair sometime around the time you identified a notably hard case of dandruff? Dandruff can also be the reason for your hair loss.
So seeking professional opinion seems to be a better solution for determining whether dandruff can cause hair loss or not.

1    Often people are prescribed medications or ointments to reduce hair loss. These products sometimes contain a component called Minoxidil.
         Minoxidil contains alcohol which tends to cause drying of the scalp and can result in a flaking, dandruff-like reaction in some people.
         Dry scalps and flaking tend to itch.
 i       Intense itching usually induces vigorous scratching.

        Vigorous scratching can separate the hair from one’s head. While scratching, you may be pulling, breaking and scraping your hair away from your scalp–this just adds to the hair loss situation.
Scratching, not dandruff itself, is the principal scientific relationship between hair loss and dandruff
Dandruff is about the skin on the scalp. Thinning hair is about a condition in the hair follicles. Dandruff is considered a cosmetic disease in that it is not life threatening nor contagious. But it does make us all uncomfortable from the itchiness and those falling bits that others see long before we do.

The causes of dandruff are not well defined nor understood. The condition occurs when the scalp is too oily or when it is too dry. And there are various types of dandruff, though the symptoms are generally the same and  there can be some other medical conditions with dandruff-like symptoms that might result in some temporary hair loss. The possible conditionsare seborrheic dermatitis  or psoriasis which cause scaling similar to dandruff and can be present on or spread to other parts of the body. If you believe dandruff is the underlying reason ., so you need to use anti- dandruff shampoos and deep cleaning and conditioning of hairs.

@cosmoworldclinics believe in providing customized approach and rendering best hair services at an affordable price.. Book an appointment now, call – 9643636652, 9643643731 or you can mail us at or you can visit at

Saturday 16 September 2017

Is Hair Transplant a painful procedure???

Hair transplantation is not an easy undertaking because it is also a type of surgery. The procedure calls for manual treatment using surgical instruments. There is no clear measurement of how much pain a person may experience. There are individual factors that determine the intensity of pain a person may feel. 

Much of the feedback from hair transplantation patients point out the stage where pain is likely to be experienced. According to doctors and patients themselves, the most painful part of hair restoration surgery is having the anesthetic injected into the scalp.

Pain has different aspects for many people. The pain tolerance threshold is the stage at which pain becomes unbearable for a person, but this varies for diverse individuals.  Some people can put up with extreme pain; others cannot tolerate even a slight one. The component of our reaction to pain is complex. Likewise, a good percentage of pain comes from being edgy or nervous. If you are one of those who cannot tolerate the presence of pain in your body, it will not be advisable for you to consider hair transplantation. It is due to this low pain threshold that people will not choose this procedure.


The patient needs to know the things that will take place during the hair transplant procedure. Initially, the surgery begins with the application of local anesthetic to your scalp. This is probably the most painful part of the procedure. A series of injections are made to the scalp’s donor as well as recipient areas.
A slight pain will be present during the injection of anesthesia and also at the end the surgery. 
About half of the patients who have undergone this treatment have reported swelling on the forehead and in the upper face. However, this effect is perfectly normal. and can be rectified by applying ice pack. 
There will be numbness in the head after several weeks because the scalp is still under a healing period. The implanted tissues are reconnecting with the blood vessels in the scalp, thus the skin is less sensitive. This will be experienced for about four weeks after the surgery has taken place. After that, the numbing will start to wear off.
For those who have high pain tolerance, you have nothing to fear. A good doctor will always see to it that the patient is ready and relaxed before any procedure is done. 
@Cosmoworld Clinics  is one of the best Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi for affordable cost for hair transplant surgery. Book an appointment now, call - 9643636652

Friday 15 September 2017

Healthy food for healthy hairs

Eat the correct balance of the following vitamins and minerals to supply hair with all that it needs to remain shiny, lustrous and strong...


As hair is made of protein, ensuring you have enough protein in your diet is crucial for making hair strong and healthy. If you are not consuming enough protein in your diet, your hair is likely to become dry, brittle and weak. Extremely low protein diets may result in hair loss. Choose chicken, turkey, fish, dairy products and eggs as excellent sources of protein along with vegetarian sources such as legumes and nuts.


Iron is an especially important mineral for hair and too little iron (anaemia) is a major cause of hair loss. The hair follicle and root are fed by a nutrient rich blood supply. When iron levels (serum ferritin) fall below a certain point, you may experience anaemia. This disrupts the nutrient supply to the follicle, affecting the hair growth cycle and may result in shedding. Animal products such as red meat, chicken and fish provide iron with a high bioavailability, meaning the iron is readily available to the body. Vegetarians can raise their iron stores by including lentils, spinach and other leafy green vegetables such as broccoli, kale and salad greens.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C aids the absorption of iron so foods high in vitamin C are good to eat in conjunction with iron-rich foods. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant so is used readily by the body. The best sources are blackcurrants, blueberries, broccoli, guava, kiwi fruits, oranges, papaya, strawberries and sweet potatoes. Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen that strengthens the capillaries that supply the hair shafts.


Omega-3 fatty acids are important fats our body cannot make itself, and therefore must be obtained through our diet. Omega-3s are found in the cells that line the scalp and also provide the oils that keep your scalp and hair hydrated. Look out for oily fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, trout and mackerel and plant sources including avocado, pumpkin seeds and walnuts.

Thursday 14 September 2017


PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma ) Hair Restoration is suitable for both men and women. It is a state of the art, non surgical, totally natural, alternative medical procedure used for the treatment of hair loss or hair thinning. It is an injectable treatment which uses the patient’s own blood. It is beneficial in adding volume, density and controlling in hair loss.
Our blood plasma (PRP) contains active growth factors which can promote hair growth and improve hair quality.Helping to restore one’s confidence, the end result is a fuller, healthier looking head of hair.
With a thin needle, your own Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is injected into the scalp. Then the growth factors in your blood cells do their job and hair growth is naturally stimulated.

  • Simple, non surgical procedure
  • Multiple Injections: procedure lasting approximately 60 minutes
  • Safe and reliable results
  • Very quick recovery period
  • Beautiful and above all extremely natural looking end results

Any risk associated ???

There is no risk of an allergic reaction with PRP therapy because the enriched plasma has been produced from the patient’s own blood. A concentrated amount of white blood cells make up part of the PRP which are the body’s natural defenders against infections. Infections are therefore extremely rare. It is one of the reliable method of improving hair thinning.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Stress v/s Hair loss

Stress and Hair loss can be directly co-related to each other. It often seems that those that live in constant fear about losing their hair may actually contribute to their own hair loss, by giving themselves so much stress and anxiety that their hair may actually fall out.

Hair loss is still hair loss. If you have hair loss, you'll need to see a doctor or a hair specialist if you want to control it. But anxiety can lead to conditions that cause hair loss, and certainly make living with hair loss far more stressful.

The key issue between anxiety and hair loss is stress. Anxiety is, in many ways, long term and persistent stress and thus stress ultimately weakens your tresses.

Stress can cause many conditions that lead to hair loss. These include:

  • Alopecia Areata - Sudden loss of large clumps of hair in areas around your scalp.

  • Telogen Effluvium - This is a condition where more hairs than normal prepare to fall out.

  • Trichotillomania - This is a habitual condition caused by stress and anxiety where the person pulls out hairs without realizing it.
 Stress  sometimes induces hair loss which is sometimes irreversible.Stress can lead to Telogen effluvium which is a medical condition leading to hair loss. Telogen effluvium is often responsible for large portions of hair loss, where the hair typically falls out in 'handfuls'. Up to 70% of scalp hair can be lost through this condition. Telogen effluvium doesn't actually cause hair loss, instead it causes the hair to stop growing. Stress can lead to a condition called Alopecia Areata . This causes the white blood cells to attack the hair follicles in the scalp, leading to a very instantaneous  hair loss. Hair often falls out in patches , but total hair loss can affect the whole scalp in the space of  a few weeks. Stress needs to be first managed to trigger hair loss.
Specialists at Cosmoworldclinics are available to assist you and help you decide if medication or FUE hair Transplant is required. Book an aapointment now, call - 9643636652


Tuesday 12 September 2017

Get rid of oily scalp

Oil glands in the scalp are supposed to produce oil that helps keep your hair moisturized but when they start producing too much oil; you get an oily scalp and greasy hair.

An oily scalp can be caused due to heredity, hormonal imbalance, stress and diet. You may also find your scalp becoming too oily in the winter season. There may even be a problem of oily hair with dry scalp. In this case the dry scalp causes the oil glands to produce more oil that makes the hair look sticky but the scalp remains dry.

Tips to reduce oil :-

Wash your hair:  When your hair is oily, You wash it some more. Experts say that washing your hair more than once a day will cause your scalp to dry up causing the oil glands to produce more oil. So wash your hair on alternate days to clean up the scalp or once a day if the scalp is dirty.

Change your Shampoo: You need to select a shampoo that is mild with low pH or that is made specifically for oily hair. Clarifying shampoos are also known to be suitable for the job. Remember not to select a shampoo that contains greasy ingredients like lanolin and silicone and also avoid those shampoos that have conditioners in them.

Conditioner: Even with an oily scalp, you may find that hair ends have become dry. In this case, applying conditioner becomes important. But remember to use it only to the ends. If your hair isn’t dry then avoid using conditioner altogether.

Not too much force: Just because your oil glands have gone on an overdrive doesn’t mean that you need to be harsh and vigorous when washing your hair. When you rub your scalp with force, you remove all the oil from it, leaving it dry which only leads to more production of oil. So, be gentle when you wash your hair and do not pile your hair on the top that causes it to tangle and break.

Oil for your hair: When you have oily hair, applying oil in your hair won’t even cross your mind but some of the natural oils can help in reducing oil production in your scalp. But oil your hair only once a week or twice a month during summers.

Astringents: Astringents can help keep the oil off your scalp and keep the scalp clean. You can buy mild astringents from the chemist or use the natural astringent mixtures by squeezing lemon in water and applying it on your scalp. Wash after some time.

You can also use a mixture of vinegar and water to clean out your scalp. Take two tablespoons of white vinegar and add half a cup of water and apply to your scalp. Wash after 30 minutes.

Don’t brush too much: When you brush your hair, you take the oil from the scalp to the hair strands. Hence do not brush too many times in a day.

Reduce stress: Stress plays an important role in regulating your hormonal balance. If you are stressed, you cause hormonal imbalance that may cause over secretion of oil by oil glands. By dealing with stress in a better way, you can avoid oily skin, hair and scalp. Ways to reduce stress include joining a hobby class, mediation, exercising, dancing and singing.

Try these tips and get your bouncy , silky tresses back. Call- 9643636652

Monday 11 September 2017

Difference between hair loss and breakage

The hair shaft is a remarkable structure that takes a great deal of abuse, ranging from exposure to the environment, and to frequent combing and brushing. Normal hair keeps its resiliency, flexibility, and strength for up to 7 years, unless there are genetic defects present.

When hair naturally falls from the root, you are experiencing hair loss. Hair Loss is 70% hereditary and 30% chemical. You may not be able to prevent it but you can certainly take steps to keep your hair as healthy as possible. 

Hair Breakage is due to a lack of proper hair treatment, which includes over-processing, neglect, application of product, and tension on hair (seen especially in those wearing weaves, braids, etc.). Curly hair is especially prone to breakage due to it’s texture and likelihood to tangle and snag.
To determine the difference just look at the hair in your brush; if the root is still attached (the white bulb that we often mistake for dandruff or product buildup), you’re losing hair. If the ends are frayed or look chewed, this is most certainly breakage and should be addressed.
One way to decrease both hair loss and breakage is to be super diligent during detangling. Being extra gentle, use a wide-toothed comb and take extra care to condition your strands. Regular trims are also important. Lastly, focusing on the health of your hair can prevent excessive breakage and loss. Water, a healthy diet, biotin supplements, and weekly deep conditioning treatments will all go far to contribute to the overall health of your hair.

Saturday 9 September 2017

Hair Styles causing damage to your hairs !!!

Baldness, scientifically, referred to as alopecia , is partial or complete loss of hair on the scalp and/or other areas of body. This condition comes in many forms but the kind that is caused by wearing certain hair styles is called as "Traction Alopecia ".

Your hair styling methods and tools can cause significant hair damage and hair loss. Let us take a look at the hair styles that are not good for us.


 The easiest way to keep hair from your face is to gather it towards the back or top of head and holdout together with a tie. Women who wear pony tail often complain that their hair is no longer growing , intact hair is repeatedly broken at a same distance from scalp  due to trauma caused by rubber band. Although this hairstyle is most convenient to maintain , but this has its disadvantages. When hair is pulled back in a pony tail , the hair at margins of scalp tend to receive greatest tensile force , and hair loss becomes most noticeable on the scalp margins and outermost hairs of the braid. Once lost, this leads to receding hair line and widening of part lines and leads to Frontal and Parietal Hair Loss.


Constant tugging at the roots  leads to multiple hair breaking off.  Unlike a hair pluck which is painful, persistent gentle pulling on roots may go unnoticed until bald spots or alopecia starts to appear. In long run, it can lead to “Horseshoe Alopecia” in the centre of scalp. 


 Braids are popular among African- American races. It leads to marginal or central alopecia with widening of part lines.


 These rollers can cause pulling on the hair and patches of hair loss. If applied too tightly produce irregular shape of alopecia.


An artificial way to make short hair appear longer and thicker. This is achieved   through the use of “hair extensions” that are either woven or glued. Hair extensions add extra weight to existing hairs and cause roots to be pulled upon. Hair extensions strains the hair, damages the scalp and cause scarring. They may provide temporary boost to your confidence but they can make you a candidate for permanent alopecia.

Some few Hair styling tips  :

1. Hair should be tied loosely and alternately in short period of time.
2. Go natural, at least sometimes.
3. Change your styling methods.
4. Avoid wearing hair accessories like tight pins, bands and clips.
5. Always change the location of your pony tail
6. Avoid bruising your hair vigorously 
7. Avoid sleeping in your rollers, curlers or tight braids.
8. Change your hair style frequently to change the direction of tension on hair follicle 

@cosmoworldclinics provides the best Hair Transplant in India. This clinic is a pioneer in all the hair loss treatments  as well which are very safe and has no side effects.Book an appointment now, call - 9643636652

Friday 8 September 2017

what should be your everyday routine for hairs???

Trying to look after your hair and get all that everyday stuff done you need to do, as well as look after your friends and family, can be a difficult balancing act. We want to have great hair; but unfortunately, shiny, healthy hair doesn't just happen without a little bit of effort. So, you need to start up your day with healthy hair tips.

Step #1: Brush Your Hair

It may seem like the obvious thing to do, but you may need to know that brushing keeps your hair tangle free and distributes its natural oils throughout the hair. This promotes healthy growth and shine.

Step #2: Wash Your Hair

How often you wash your hair depends on your hair type and texture. Work out what's best for you by seeing how your hair reacts to washing and hair care products, and develop a schedule from there. For instance:
Your hair is coarse/dry if it often feels brittle- this means you only need to wash it every second or third day.
Your hair is fine/oily if it feels greasy the day after you wash it- this means you need to wash it daily.
Your hair is normal if you wash it one day and it's not too greasy the next- this means you can get away with washing it every other day.
Shampoo Tips
Remember to shampoo in small, circular movements; don't forget to target dirt collecting areas such as the nape of your neck.
Massaging your scalp will increase blood flow which encourages growth and will stimulate your hair's natural oils (producing shiny locks).
Coarse/dry hair will benefit from hydrating shampoos.
Fine/oily hair should be washed with a clear shampoo (one that doesn't look creamy).
Normal hair can use just about any type of shampoo- just remember to always use good quality products for the best results.
Conditioner Tips
Similar to body lotion for your skin, conditioner is moisturizer for your hair and will keep your strands hydrated and manageable.
For an even application  use your hands and a wide-toothed comb.
If you've got coarse/dry hair try a hydrating conditioner and apply it right from your roots to your ends.
For fine/oily hair use a lightweight conditioner and avoid putting it on your roots (evenly distribute it from the mid-lengths to the ends).
For normal hair you can use just about any kind of conditioner, applied from your roots to your ends also.

Step #3: Apply Less Hair Styling Products

If you have a hairstyle that needs to use hair products, hairspray for hold, wax for hold and shine, or serum for shine  then don't use too much! You might end up weighing your hair down and reducing its volume, or just making it greasy and dirty. 
Also, don't forget to protect your hair. If you style your hair with a hair straightener or blow dryer, it's very important to protect your hair with heat protecting products, and to give your hair a break every few days from the stress of using hair accessories and hair styling tools.

Step #4: Style Your Hair

Everyone styles their hair, whether they're elaborate updos, professional looking hairdos for work, or casual wash-and-wear looks. Styling is required daily and should be done as gently as possible.

Step #5: Brush Your Hair Again at Night

Brushing your hair again at night will help you to untangle any knots that made their way into your locks during the day.

Step #6: Secure Your Hair at Night

Securing your hair at night with a simple ponytail or plait will make sure your locks don't get snagged or tangled as you sleep.
There you have it, a simple daily routine (and some great hair care tips). It's not hard to follow, it won't have you spending all of your hard earned cash, and most importantly, you wil get your hair in the best condition possible.