Thursday 29 June 2017

When to seek medical advice for hair loss ???

To some individuals, they view their hair as their greatest asset. To people who are suffering from hair loss, this is not the case. As opposed to being a source of pride and self-esteem, this very issue serves as an aspect that decreases their self-confidence and brings embarrassment to them.
People who experience more volume of hair loss on a regular basis should think about pursuing medical guidance. Going to the doctor about this is really important not simply to find out what causes it but also to ensure that there is no other related difficulty in addition to with the extreme hair loss.

Risk factors involved in hair loss

Beside from heredity, people who are enduring from terminal illnesses such as cancer and auto immune diseases such as those connected with thyroid also have greater threats for hair loss because the disease on their own weaken the immune system and affect hair growth. Taking in medications and medical treatment for certain illnesses and conditions also raises the risk to hair loss as well as alopecia areata, which may cause permanent baldness brought about by stress as well as other infections in the surroundings.

People who do not pay attention to suitable health and nutrition also have higher risks for hair loss especially those who are low in protein intake.  People who change hairstyles often and those who use too much hair treatments may also undergo temporary hair loss.
When medical advice is needed ??
The doctor will give you thorough consultation , will guide you about what causes your extreme hair loss.Might be some tests will be conducted and once all the tests have been made, she or he will then explain your condition and will try to give you medicine or offer you treatments for temporary hair loss. Since no treatment can cure permanent hair loss such as those caused by heredity and medical conditions, the doctor can give you choices to at least reduce down the rate of hair loss.
@cosmoworldclinics can guide you in better way and help you meet your realistic expectations.. For more CALL - 9643636652

Monday 26 June 2017

Is Hair Transplant a permanent solution to your baldness !!!

Permanent hair loss deserves a permanent solutionHair loss is extremely common and is something that almost everyone is likely to experience at a period of their life. Hair loss can occur for a variety of different reasons, such as alopecia, aging, and stress. As there are different causes of hair loss, there are also a variety of treatments.
Some types of hair loss, such as stress related hair loss, will resume the normal growth phase after a few months, and will, in most cases, need no medical attention. However, other types of hair loss such as Androgenetic alopecia and non pattern hairloss will need to be treated to prompt regrowth. In some cases this can be done through medication or through FUE HAIR TRANSPLANT Method.

A hair transplant is a medical procedure used to treat hair loss and balding. It is a technique that moves individual hair follicles from one area of the head, the donor site – typically the sides or the back of the head – to either a bald or balding area of the head, the recipient site. The transplant works by taking hair follicles from areas of the scalp that have fuller hair and moves them to areas that have either none, or much less hair. Hair transplants are procedures to remedy baldness by moving a person’s existing hair to an area with thin or no hair. Currently, there are two methods of hair transplants: follicular unit srip surgery ( FUT ) and follicular extraction surgery( FUE ) . Both approaches are outpatient procedures typically conducted in the doctor’s office.
Hair transplants are considered permanent, which makes it important to find an experienced surgeon, Because the transplanted hair is obtained from the back of the scalp, where the hair is genetically more durable, the hairline design and the planting of the grafts must be planned with an artist’s eye and the future in mind. Hair transplants can be effective treatments for permanent hair loss. But as with any procedure, it’s important to discuss all of your options and potential outcomes with your doctor.
The results from a hair transplant are extremely long lasting and one of the most successful treatments for hair loss. The hair transplant will follow the behaviour of where the hair came from, this will in most cases mean the hair should continue to grow, as it did in the donor area.
During your personal consultation,  At COSMOWORLDCLINICS ,we will ensure you are a suitable candidate for a hair transplant and investigate into your age, family history of hair loss and type of hair loss to ensure our treatment is right for you and  will do every possible effort  to ensure the treatment works as effective as possible.
To find out whether you are the right candidate for hair transplant .. BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW.. CALL - 9643636652.

Thursday 22 June 2017


Peanuts are also called ground nuts because they are obtained from under the ground. They also have the properties of nuts. So they are also included in nuts family.


  1. Many of the vitamins & minerals present in peanuts, including protein and copper, promote a healthy growth of the hair.
  2. Peanuts contain larginine, which is an amino acid that helps in treating baldness in males and promote the growth of the hair.
  3. Vitamin E in peanuts helps in preventing the hair from getting dry and brittle and provides a healthy and strong hair.

AGAINST COLON CANCER  - Peanuts have the ability to reduce colon cancer, especially in women. Eating two spoons of peanut butter twice a week lowers the risk of colon cancer .

ANTI-OXIDANTS :- Peanuts have high levels of anti-oxidants, which become even more active when the peanuts are boiled. Anti-oxidants like Biochanin-A is doubled and there is a increase in Genistein when peanuts are boiled. These nullify all the damages caused by the free radicals in the body.

FIGHTS DEPRESSION :- When the level of Serotonin in your body gets reduced, it leads to depression. Peanuts contain Tryptophan, which leads to an increase in the level of Serotonin, thereby helping you to overcome depression.

GROWTH :- The high protein content in peanuts aids in the proper growth and development of the body.

PROTECTS THE SKIN :- Vitamin E present in peanuts is needed for the maintenance of the mucous membrane cells and protects the cells from the damage causing free radicals and keeps your skin healthy.

REGULATES BLOOD SUGAR :- The mineral manganese present in peanuts promotes absorption of calcium and the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, as well as regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

VITAMINS :- Peanuts also contain Vitamin B complex, riboflavin, thiamin, Vitamin B6 and B9. Niacin, pantothenic acid etc, which are needed by the body. Peanuts have a lot of health benefits and therefore including peanuts in your daily diet is one of the easiest ways to remain healthy and fit. Those who are allergic to peanuts should avoid it.

Monday 19 June 2017


Some dietary modifications can help you keep your hair healthy and strong. Have a look at some of the options :-

CARROTS -  It's not just the eyes, Vitamin A-rich carrots provide excellent nourishment for the scalp. A healthy scalp ensures shiny, well-conditioned hair that is strengthened and moisturized.  An overall balanced diet of lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fatty fish like the Indian salmon and low-fat dairy are great boosters for healthy hair.

OATS - Not only are oats loaded with fiber that helps maintain a healthy heart and bowels, they also contain a high concentration of other essential nutrients such as zinc, iron and omega-6 fatty acids.

GREEN PEAS - Although green peas are not rich in antioxidants or any specific vitamin or mineral, they contain a well-balanced amount of vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc and B group vitamins. These are essential for maintaining healthy hair.

WALNUTS- walnuts are one of the most hair friendly nuts in the category. Not only do walnuts have more omega-6 fatty acids than any other food, but they're also full of zinc, iron, B vitamins (B1, B6 and B9).

LOW-FAT DAIRY PRODUCTS - Low-fat dairy products like skim milk and yogurt are great sources of calcium, an important mineral for hair growth. They also contain whey and casein, two high-quality protein sources. Add a cup of yogurt or cottage cheese to your snack list and to help prevent hair loss, stir in a few tablespoons of flax seed or walnuts for your required dose of omega 3 fatty acids and zinc.

Thursday 15 June 2017

Causes of hair thinning in young men ???

Thinning of the hair is a natural part of the aging process,  but many men experience hair loss prematurely. About 50 percent of men suffer from a type of hair loss called androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness. 


DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is an adrogen, which is a product of the male hormone testosterone and the root cause of 95 percent of hair loss in male pattern baldness. Men have more DHT present in the body than women, explaining why they suffer more from hair loss. DHT kills the hair follicles by blocking them from receiving the nutrients they need to survive.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is the name given to hair loss when it appears in patches, and it can be another possible cause of hair loss in young, healthy males. An autoimmune disease, alopecia areata is the result of an overactive immune system attacking its own cells.

Other Forms

hair loss can be caused by poor nutrition, medications, hormonal changes, overly tight hairstyles, scarring and inflammation. Hair loss can also be caused by emotional or physical shock; this is known as telogen effluvium hair loss. In most cases these forms are often temporary.

Tuesday 13 June 2017


To condition or not to condition, to oil or not to oil - when it comes to your hair you'll find all kinds of advice. Before you pick your choice of treatment, here are a few things you must know.

1. It's normal to lose 100 to 150 strands of hair a day so don't panic when you see a small bunch falling out.

2.  Trim your hair every few weeks to get rid of those brown and rough split ends. Cut about 1/4th an inch of your hair every 6 to 8 weeks to avoid the split ends to grow out again.

3. Don't wash your hair everyday and whenever you do, apply some conditioner on the ends. Try and use the same brand of shampoo and conditioner.

4.  Comb wet hair with extreme care because they're fragile and prone to breakage. Take a broad toothed comb and run it from the roots to the ends of your hair as gently as possible.

5.  Rinse the conditioner off with cold water as it is good for both strength and shine.

6.  If you've got dry hair then it's best to avoid coloring.,Use lemon, chamomile tea or honey as they work as great hair lighteners. You can add lemon juice to water and spray it over your hair when you're heading out. You can rinse your hair with brewed chamomile tea after you wash them with shampoo or add honey to the water you use to wash your hair. 

Does bleach cause harm to your hairs ???

Bleaching and highlighting can cause damage to your hairs. Bleach and highlights remove color from your hair by the process of oxidation. Oxidation decolorizes the pigment in your hair shaft, which is why bleach will turn your hair almost white if it’s left on for too long. Very bleached hair often gains a yellow tint, because keratin (the protein your hair is made of) is naturally a pale yellow.  Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are the most commonly used ones and are often mixed together, as used separately they’re unstable and very slow in lightening the hair.Of all coloring methods, bleach is potentially the most damaging, and therefore should ideally always be done professionally. Bleaching raises your hairs’ outer cuticle, allowing the bleaching agent to fully penetrate. However, repeated bleaching can permanently raise the cuticle scales and allow rapid and continuous loss of moisture. 


Damage from bleach includes dry, brittle, inelastic hair, and hair  that is more prone to breakage and split ends. Bleached hair is also more porous and swollen and therefore more vulnerable to other chemical and non-chemical processes. These include everything from permanent wave solutions in curling or straightening to regular heated styling with blow-dryers.

 Bleaches can cause burns to your scalp (or any tissue that it comes in contact with). If you experience any sort of discomfort during processing, you must let your stylist know straight away.The best way to combat dryness, brittleness and breakage is to use a pre-shampoo deep conditioning treatment three days before and also after bleaching or highlighting, and then weekly thereafter. This plumps your hair with moisture, making it more elastic and less likely to snap. The correct pre-shampoo treatments also add shine, manageability and bounce. 

Use a daily damage defence product to keep your hair hydrated, shiny and protected from daily environmental damage. Products like these also help to seal gaps caused by a raised cuticle. While you may not be styling your hair throughout the day, pollution, air conditioning/central heating, wind and UV rays.
Turn off your blow-dryer when your hair is ‘just dry’. Overheating and drying bleached hair further reduces moisture and elasticity. 

Use a smoothing product to help close and smooth your hair cuticle. This will help reduce moisture evaporation and also give your hair a glossier and healthier appearance.

@cosmoworldclinics offers you best possible services with every effort..
call - 9643636652

Saturday 10 June 2017


FUE  ( follicular unit extraction ) is a minimally invasive technique of hair transplantation in which patients do not need a lot of time to recover themselves and have excellent results. Each case is individually evaluated in medical visits and the medical and/or surgical treatment will be suggested depending on balding scale. At COSMOWORLDCLINICS every effort is made to provide you with the best possible and realistic results considering each and every aspect.

There are few steps associated with this technique that a person has to undergo :-
  • Patient arrives at medical centre.
  • Taking photographs 
  • Drawing of donor and recipient sites 
  • Follicular unit extraction from donor site 
  • Preparation of follicular unit
  • Preservation of follicular unit
  • Lunch Break
  • Follicular unit implantation
  • General instructions to be given to the patient after the procedure is done

 It does not leave a linear scar. 

 Short recovery time ensures return to daily activities without much daily.

 This technique is ideal for people who have a tight scalp or have healed poorly from    conventional strip harvesting.

 It is less invasive than other procedures.

 No cuts, no sutures.

Minimal chances of any external infection due to non-invasiveness of the procedure.

Due to transection of a number of grafts, large numbers of grafts need to be harvested. 

This requires shaving of the entire donor area. 

Most reliable and safe method.

Thursday 8 June 2017


Receding hairline is a type of progressive hair loss mainly experienced by men and some women where your hairline will begin to thin commonly on either sides of your forehead before you get a bald patch on top of your head. It is one of the classes of hair loss in men, a condition popularly known as androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. It is characterized by a widow's peak where your front forehead forms a V shape pattern.

Although the problem is common in older men (above 25 years of age), receding hairline can be seen in younger people including teenagers. If your hair line is receding at young age, it might be a pre-disposition to hair loss, which is caused by genetics or associated with a certain autoimmune response.Some signs of hair loss can be noticed, you will have hair loss above your temples that often form a letter M shape where the middle and side hairs remain while you lose lateral hairs on your forehead. This is the initial stage of receding hairline. With time, you will begin having hair loss on top of your head but this might depend on the causes of a receding hairline.

To some people, they need to tilt their head to be able to see their hairlines and in some extreme cases, it might form a horseshoe shape where your scalp center remains bare with only hair on the back and sides of your head. You will therefore notice pronounced and high temples when your hairline is receding.

Finally, when you are suffering from this condition, you will notice more hair collecting on your water tub, each time you wash your head. More hair can also be seen on your comb and hair brush. On average, people should lose up to 100 strands of hair every day during brushing, combing, etc. and this is considered normal.

What can be the causes ??

Genes – Inherited Factors

Excessive and Continued Production of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)


Environmental Factors – Stress

Medications and Chemotherapy

Poor Eating Habits

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Can different hairstyles cause hair loss ???

Different hairstyles create some impact on your hairs. Hairstyling is the most cause of traction alopecia, it can also follow vigorous combing or brushing, including nit combing.Traction alopecia is the hair loss that occurs after persistent gentle pulling on the roots over several hours or days. 

Even tight ponytails can produce traction alopecia, In addition the tight curls affect how the hair is anchored into the follicle beneath the skin surface.  Hairstyles to control the curl such as braiding and straightening can also lead to mechanical forces being applied to the hair root which cause the hair bulb to gradually separate from the follicle. 

When hair is pulled back in a ponytail, the hairs at the margins of the scalp tend to receive the greatest tensile force and hair loss becomes most noticeable on the scalp margins and the outermost hairs of the braid.  These hairs are lost first, producing a receding hairline and widening of the part lines. Prolonged tension leads to inflammation around the hair follicles that may ultimately produce scarring and lead to permanent hair loss.
Traction eases hairs out of the follicle and patients in the early stages of androgenetic alopecia are more susceptible to traction alopecia.  
Ponytails produce frontal or parietal hair loss.  Tight braiding in cornrows produces a marginal or central alopecia with widening of the part lines.  Twisting hair into a bun on the top of the head can produce a horseshoe alopecia in the centre of the scalp.
People with traction alopecia should visit to the dermatologist for assessment, as many have associated early androgenetic alopecia which requires separate treatment.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Preventing and treating hair loss in females

Female-pattern hair loss, which usually has a strong genetic component that can be inherited from either the mother or father. Also referred to as androgenetic alopecia, this type of hair loss can start as early as the late teens- and the earlier it starts, the more severe the hair loss tends to be.

Most women with pattern hair loss don't get a receding hairline or bald spot on top of the scalp as is common in men. Instead, there is visible thinning over the crown. In men and women, hairs are miniaturized because of a shortened growth cycle where the hair stays on the head for a shorter period of time.

The first sign of hair loss that most women notice is often widening of their part or that their ponytail is smaller.

How this hair loss can be treated ???

Minoxidil 5% is the only topical medication approved by the FDA for female-pattern hair loss. The once daily use foam treatment regrows hair in 81% of the women who try it. 
Liquid options of 2% and 5% solutions are available over the counter. Minoxidil works by prolonging the growth phase of hair -- providing more time for hair to grow out to its full density.
Hair loss treatments are available - LASER AND MESOTHERAPY  PLATELET RICH PLASMA (PRP ) THERAPY.
Another treatment option is HAIR TRANSPLANTATION, in which tiny hair follicles taken from one area of the scalp are transplanted into the affected areas. It can be very effective and produce permanent results that are natural looking.
CALL- 9643636652

Monday 5 June 2017


Your diet gives you the building blocks necessary to support a healthy body, and if you do not give it the building blocks it needs to produce healthy hair, it won’t, the following substances and conditions are  linked to a greater chance for hair loss:

Image result for does sugary food cause hair loss


The studies revealed that men who drank higher levels of caffeine were more likely to have hair loss as they aged. One possible reason for this connection could be that caffeine triggers the stress response in the body. High levels of stress are linked with a greater likelihood of future hair loss.


Are you constantly stressed? If you don’t relax you might be contributing to your hair loss. The studies found that men and women who led a more stressful lifestyle were more likely to lose their hair.


Researchers found that certain fatty acids helped protect hair while others interfered with hair health. A diet high in omega 6 fatty acids were more likely to lead to an increased risk for hair loss, while omega 3 fatty acids protected hair health.


Men and women who smoked were more likely to see hair loss in greater amounts than men and women who abstained from smoking.


Men and women who drank more than 1-2 glasses of an alcoholic beverage per night had a higher chance of balding as they aged.


Researchers found that dandruff weakens the hair follicle, leading to hair thinning and hair loss.

Saturday 3 June 2017

Steps of Hair loss diagnosis

Hair has always been one of the most important aspects of personality and aesthetics of a person.  Women, equally as men, also suffer from hair loss problems 

The diagnosis of your hair loss forms the first integral step to getting appropriate treatment to reverse hair loss and for that you have to seek an expert advice.

Your hair thickness, density, and  follicular growth are analysed to detect any anomalies at their early stage of development. 

Early detection of disease at an early stage of growth will help determine the best treatment  and boost success probability.

In depth analysis of the reasons for hairloss ; with an - all round assessment of your scalp condition , lifestyle, nutrition , you will have a better understanding of the causes of your hairloss and the preventive steps moving forward.

Seeking early treatment even when the signs are not visible and is crucial to curb a developing hair condition, and attain a higher chance of hair retention.

Hair loss is just like any other health condition. Besides prevention being better than a cure, you’ll have a higher chance of recovering from your ailments by getting a diagnosis and treatment during the early stages of a condition. Early intervention helps in identifying and treating the cause of retracting hair, whether lifestyle, hereditary or environmentally.

As hair condition worsens with time, the more your treatment options continue to dwindle with each passing day that you ignore hair loss signs. It’s always recommended to visit a certified trichologist on a regular basis, to keep in check your hair and scalp health, even before the signs of hair loss set in.

@cosmoworldclinics offers you all the hair treatments at an affordable - 9643636652

Friday 2 June 2017

Fight oily scalp in summers

Summer is the time when you tend to suffer from excessive oil production in the scalp which leads to dandruff, itching and an unpleasant odour. The sebaceous glands are overactive when the weather is hot and this leads to excessive sweating and consequently to infections in your scalp.

There are several things you can do to limit the damage and help your hair retain its voluminous bounce and healthy texture even in the peak of heat. 

The first step in this direction is to trim off the dull split ends at the onset of summer. 

Hair tends to grow faster during summer as this is the period for the active Anagen phase so you can go in for that regular trim without worrying about the speed at which your hair will grow back.

Those with normal to dry hair can skip a day between washing their tresses with shampoo. But if you have oily hair, you can wash it daily without worrying about stripping the hair of its lustre.

 Use a good conditioner but try to condition only the ends of the hair to avoid overload.

While brushing is great for keeping normal hair healthy, it can actually be counterproductive for oily hair as it only distributes oil from the scalp to the entire hair shaft, distributing it throughout. Thus, people with oily hair should avoid brushing their hair too often in the summer.

Rinsing with lemon juice or vinegar diluted with water is also great to keep the oil in the hair in check. But be sure to rinse with clear water afterwards.

Before a swim, apply a conditioner to protect the cuticles, and wash it off only after the swim.

Always remember to drink a lot of water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Make sure you get the right amount of vitamin C, Iron, Amino acids and omega-three fatty acids which will give the growing hair a lustrous, healthy look.

With a good combination of preventive habits and conscientious care during the summer, you can easily maintain those healthy tresses through the hot weather.


Thursday 1 June 2017

Does drinking water really help in hair growth ???

Image result for WATER FOR HAIRS

Lack of water causes Dehydration, but this dehydration has a direct impact on hair growth. It is a common fact that our body is usually composed of 60-80% water. When it does not receive the adequate amount of water in order to maintain cell health and reproduction, it becomes dehydrated which directly impacts hair growth as well.

On daily basis, human body tends to lose 2 to 3 quarts of water approximately, in many ways like sweat and other water removal processes. Our skin too has a high concentration of water which tends to evaporate constantly in tiny air-borne droplet affecting the balance of water in our body.
If the roots of hair are deficient in required water levels, the tresses of hair will eventually become brittle, dry, rough and it is possible that they may stop growing at your genetic rate. Roots of hair are the only means by which water is supplied from body to hair. Roots soak up the water and provide hydration to the hair, which automatically and internally boosts up hair growth
1. Water is the root source of energy for each and every cell of our body. It includes those cells too, that are responsible for hair growth and its health.
2. Water nurtures cells and provides them required hair vitamins.
3. It generates magnetic and electrical energy which is considered as a core power to sustain life. 
4. The roots of the hair and our scalp have many energy-sensitive and photosensitive nerve endings. Water activates all these nerve endings and other sensors in our skin and scalp that enhances the natural vitality of hair roots.
5. Drinking enough water can also help you get rid of dandruff and hair thinning problem.

Drink water for Healthy HairWater helps the body to process and flush out toxins faster, which makes it a quick and easy natural method that will make your hair grow a lot faster. If you drink about 8 cups of water a day, not only will your body feel better, but your hair will get stronger.