Saturday 10 June 2017


FUE  ( follicular unit extraction ) is a minimally invasive technique of hair transplantation in which patients do not need a lot of time to recover themselves and have excellent results. Each case is individually evaluated in medical visits and the medical and/or surgical treatment will be suggested depending on balding scale. At COSMOWORLDCLINICS every effort is made to provide you with the best possible and realistic results considering each and every aspect.

There are few steps associated with this technique that a person has to undergo :-
  • Patient arrives at medical centre.
  • Taking photographs 
  • Drawing of donor and recipient sites 
  • Follicular unit extraction from donor site 
  • Preparation of follicular unit
  • Preservation of follicular unit
  • Lunch Break
  • Follicular unit implantation
  • General instructions to be given to the patient after the procedure is done

 It does not leave a linear scar. 

 Short recovery time ensures return to daily activities without much daily.

 This technique is ideal for people who have a tight scalp or have healed poorly from    conventional strip harvesting.

 It is less invasive than other procedures.

 No cuts, no sutures.

Minimal chances of any external infection due to non-invasiveness of the procedure.

Due to transection of a number of grafts, large numbers of grafts need to be harvested. 

This requires shaving of the entire donor area. 

Most reliable and safe method.

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