Thursday 8 June 2017


Receding hairline is a type of progressive hair loss mainly experienced by men and some women where your hairline will begin to thin commonly on either sides of your forehead before you get a bald patch on top of your head. It is one of the classes of hair loss in men, a condition popularly known as androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. It is characterized by a widow's peak where your front forehead forms a V shape pattern.

Although the problem is common in older men (above 25 years of age), receding hairline can be seen in younger people including teenagers. If your hair line is receding at young age, it might be a pre-disposition to hair loss, which is caused by genetics or associated with a certain autoimmune response.Some signs of hair loss can be noticed, you will have hair loss above your temples that often form a letter M shape where the middle and side hairs remain while you lose lateral hairs on your forehead. This is the initial stage of receding hairline. With time, you will begin having hair loss on top of your head but this might depend on the causes of a receding hairline.

To some people, they need to tilt their head to be able to see their hairlines and in some extreme cases, it might form a horseshoe shape where your scalp center remains bare with only hair on the back and sides of your head. You will therefore notice pronounced and high temples when your hairline is receding.

Finally, when you are suffering from this condition, you will notice more hair collecting on your water tub, each time you wash your head. More hair can also be seen on your comb and hair brush. On average, people should lose up to 100 strands of hair every day during brushing, combing, etc. and this is considered normal.

What can be the causes ??

Genes – Inherited Factors

Excessive and Continued Production of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)


Environmental Factors – Stress

Medications and Chemotherapy

Poor Eating Habits

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