Saturday 27 May 2017

How often you wash your head ???

How often should you wash your hair, this is the question that arises in your mind once in a while .Back in the day, we wouldn’t dream of going a whole hours without some shampoo, but then we started hearing that it is bad to wash your hair every day and there are even people out there who can make their blow-out last a whole week. so now we will try to find out the correct protocol for it.

Is there any thumb rule for the number of days you can go without washing your hair?

It depends on your hair type. Hair that’s thicker and curlier can go without a wash for longer than hair that is fine.For this reason, curly hair types should especially be careful not to wash hair too frequently—and avoid shampoos with harsh sulfates, which strip the hair of the natural oils. You can consider a co-wash (using a conditioner instead of shampoo) or use a sulfate-free shampoo if washing more than twice a week.

Lifestyle also plays a part. For example, if you workout daily, you’re going to need to wash your hair more often to feel clean after sweating. If you have an oily scalp and thin, fine hair, your hair will start to look flat and dirty after 24 hours. If your hair is pin straight, an oily scalp will show more easily too. The flip side is with thick, curly hair, you may be able to go three days without needing a shampoo.

Washing hair every day removes our natural oils and proteins, causing our hair to dry out quicker. Shampoo strips the oils from the hair, and we need those oils to help our scalp and hair to be healthy.

Some people shampoo so frequently and strip the natural oil in their hair so much that it becomes very frizzy and there day after hair actually looks better when oil has accumulated on the scalp to tame these wild hair shafts.

The correct way is to find a shampoo, conditioner, and a cocktail of products that balances your scalp and hair so you can wash every third or fifth day. If one has hair on the finer side it is recommended to use  a volumizing shampoo so that it remains light and won’t get greasy too fast. and if some one has course, dry, thick hair you need a shampoo that can moisturize and balance the scalp and hair. 

At most, try washing your hair every other day. Every two days is even better ,If your hair gets oily after only a day, try using some hair powder or dry shampoo on your roots to soak up some of that excess oil. There are also tons of products on the market for in-between wash days that will help your hair get some extra lift and smell fresh. After the gym, or going out in pollution , cover your head and after coming back , you can rinse your hairs thoroughly with  water as well. You must wash use shampoo each time after a workout, try a shampoo that’s made for daily cleansing—they’re usually less harsh on your hair.

These are some of the daily cleansing tips that can help your hair stay longer and lustrous.

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