Friday 5 May 2017

Role of DHT

Male pattern baldness is the most common type of balding among males. It affects roughly 30% of men by the age of 30, 50% by 50, and 57% by 60.

What is DHT???

DHT is vital for the in utero development of male genitalia.

Testosterone is turned into DHT by enzymes.

DHT is five times more potent than testosterone.

More than half of men are likely to experience male pattern baldness mediated by DHT.

DHT is an androgen and helps give males their male characteristics.

There is no known role of DHT in female development.

DHT causes hair follicles to miniaturize.


Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is the most common type of baldness in men. Hair at the temples and on the crown will slowly thin and eventually disappear and there is one component responsible for male pattern baldness attributed to DHT. 

Rather than causing the hair to fall out , DHT actually restricts the follicles ability to produce hair growth. Some people aren't affected by DHT in the scalp but in those who have a genetic tendency to hair loss, the hair follicles are particularly sensitive to the effects of DHT, when it attaches itself  to the receptor cells of genetically predisposed hair follicles, DHT prevents proteins, vitamins and minerals from providing the needed nourishment to sustain life in these follicles and with this, also causes them to shrink. With miniaturisation, the hair is reproduced at a slower rate meaning it either shortens the growing phase or lengthens its resting stage . The result is thinning hair as the hair shaft becomes finer with each new growth cycle and eventually the hairs stop emerging. While proper nutrition is important in maintaining hair health, it alone will not counter the effects of DHT.
 Experts recommend consulting a hair loss specialist before you consider treatment options, because many factors need to be taken into account, like family and medical history, lifestyle and personal preference.

At @cosmoworldclinics , you can get  solution to all your hair problems at affordable prices call us at 9643636652  

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