Tuesday 23 May 2017


Suffering from losing hair or thinning hair is stressful. Excessive worrying and stress can contribute to increased anxiety resulting in more hair loss. Meditation may be an effective hair loss treatment for both men and women. By creating an outlet, meditation can help to reduce the body’s response to tension and stress.

Meditation improves thought processes, increases energy, reduces stress and tension, and restores your hormonal balance. If stress causes hair loss, it would seem that the reduction of stress would reverse the loss. If only it were that simple. Some hair loss may be related to stress, and, in some cases, it is possible that hair loss could be reversed. But it depends upon the type of hair loss. There is a generally accepted link between high levels of stress and hair loss. Those two types of hair loss that can be associated with high stress levels.

  • Telogen Effluvium: The most common form, this type results in faster than normal hair loss all over your head
  • Alopecia Areata: This usually involves patchy hair loss, and bald patches approximately the size of a quarter. In extreme cases, alopecia areata may affect all the hair on a person's head, including eyebrows and eyelashes.

Most cases of stress related hair loss can be reversed. A simple treatment, meditation has shown to reduce stress in both men and women. In as little as five to ten minutes of mediation practiced daily can help to reset your emotions, calm your mind, and reduced stress levels, may even help to reduce hair loss as stress and hair loss are inter-related. You can try out some small exercises :-

  • Set aside time each day for practice - start small, in three to five minute time slots.
  • Focus on deep breathing
  • Stretch your muscles to begin the process of looking inward
  • Let thoughts simply float out of your mind and focus on your breathing
These small exercises can relieve you from stress and ultimately improving hair growth.. For more regrowth treatment options..call our experts now..9643636652 or visit www.cosmoworldclinics.com


  1. You must click on the below link if you are interested to know about the procedure hair transplant surgery in detail.
    Hair Transplant Surgery India

  2. Hair transplant Surgery is the best recommended procedure that gives a permanent solution to hair loss or baldness. Due to the safe and scar free results, a lot of people are going for this surgery.
