Sunday 19 March 2017

Post -Op Instructions After Hair Transplant Surgery

#Hair Transplantation is a very predictable surgery, all post operative events are already conveyed to you immediately after the surgery is over, so there is no need for any anxiety. Some #Postoperative instructions to be followed.

1. Have light food, Rice, Dal, chapatti and vegetables.

2. Alcoholic beverages and smoking should be avoided.

3.In occasional instances, minor bleeding can occur from the transplant side and / or donor area. This can be controlled by applying gentle but firm pressure on the area for 5-10 minutes with a dampened gauge pad. Press only, don't rub.

4. A pressure dressing will be applied on the back of your scalp,where grafts were harvested. This dressing should remain in place for 3 days. After 3 days, shampooing will be done and dressing will be removed from the donor area.

5. If you feel any kind of itching or redness on the donor area. You can apply bacitracin ointment over the donor area, once daily for 3 more days.

6. If the grafts dry prematurely, they may cause itching. To avoid this from happening , wetting of grafts with normal saline 4-5 times a day for 7 days is required.

7. You can watch T.v or listen music.

8. Avoid exertion and jerky movements of head.

9. Use soft pillows, you may lay on the back of head.

10. Postoperative swelling may appear in 5-10% of patient on the forehead which may come down to eyelids on day 4/5, if so, don't panic. You can take ice cubes, keep them in piece of cloth and place it onto the swollen area for 2-3 minutes for 4-5 times for 2 days. It will disappear within 1-2 days.

11. After 5 days of surgery, you can do head wash yourself, just need to keep in mind that you do little wetting of hairs normally without direct shower. We recommend you use a large cup and fill it with normal water and pour small amount of Johnson & Johnson Baby shampoo into the large cup. Pour this mixture onto your entire scalp and spread over the sides and back of the scalp, massaging the mixture with your fingers, do not rub. It is important that you do not touch the recipient areas with your fingers as this may cause the grafts to come out. Rinse lightly with your large cup that is now filled with only water.

12. Avoid any strenuous exercises atleast for 1 month. Most activities in the work place should be easily resumed a two or three day after the procedure.

13. Hats may not be worn the first 6-7 days. After that remember not to wear a hat that collapses or touches your scalp, especially where grafts were placed.

14. Hair may start falling by 2 weeks. Do not panic, the roots are firmly in place , sometimes you may see whitish material sticking onto your roots, don't worry about it, they will start growing by 3-4 months, you will appreciate full results in 9 months- 1 year.

15. Some patients are too anxious to clean grafts, they may see grafts with greenish brown material sticking to skin, this only needs proper cleaning by gentle shampooing and not by picking it. Rubbing is allowed only after 21 days of procedure.

16. Be sure to take medications provided to you as directed.

+Cosmoworld Clinic  is a leading hair transplantation clinic in india at very affordable prices by internationally certified doctors.  Get your desired and natural looking results with us.For more information - or call - 9643636652

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