Thursday 16 March 2017

#Preoperative #instructions for #HairTransplant

For Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), some general guidelines include:
** Blood thinners and other types of medication will need to be avoided for about two weeks before surgery. 
Our medical professionals will discuss in detail about your medical history and your customized treatment plan has been developed.
** Alcoholic beverages and smoking should be stopped at least two weeks prior to hair restoration surgery to prevent complications with the healing process.
** Minoxidil application should be stopped within one week before surgery.
** Contact the doctor immediately after receiving the laboratory results
** Nicotine usage (smoking) should be avoided.
** On the very day of the procedure do not use any kind of hair products.
** On the day of the procedure wash your hair in the morning.
** Wear the clothes (front open shirts) which are comfortable and can easily removed without disturbing the scalp.
Once your treatment plan is developed, our experts will give you a detailed list of pre-operative instructions with more guidance. As always, +Cosmoworld Clinic  team is here to assist you in any way they can, and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Contact us today for more information, or to schedule a consultation- 9643643731

or fill in the details at-


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