Thursday 9 March 2017


A head full of hair is associated with good looks and an appealing personality, without a doubt. But how many of us really care for our hair? How many of us today deal with hair loss, thinning of hair and baldness?

Stress, pollution, poor diet and nutrition has its effects on our health and more so in the case of hair. Extreme hair loss leads to baldness, more so in the case of men due to all the above factors as well as genetic reasons.

It is important to bear in mind that only HAIR TRANSPLANTATION  Surgeries  are permanent cure to baldness. And when we proceed to visit a hair clinic,it is important that we are educated about certain facts.

All hair transplantation surgeries at +Cosmoworld clinic are at affordable prices - Understand that it is a onetime expense for a permanent solution.  

  1. Anyone who has balding issue can undergo hair transplantation for a head full of hair is not true. First visit a well qualified hair physician for counseling and a course for treatment. The physician will decide if a candidate is suitable for hair transplantation or not.
  2. Today most hair transplantation procedures have become advanced and are performed under local anesthesia, and are day care. You can be normal sitting or lying down on a surgeons table while he or she carries out the surgery.
  3. Hair transplantation surgeries are not reversible for any reason, if in case you are unhappy with a particular outcome. Hence ensure that you are thoroughly convinced about the process and counseled by your hair physician before you proceed.
  4. You cannot choose someone else s hair for transplantation, just because you like the look and feel of it. The whole idea of hair transplantation  procedure is your use your own hair so that it looks as original and as easy to maintain for you.
  5. The hair post transplantation cannot fall out since it is surgically implanted in your scalp. Also remember that this hair acts as normal as your original hair and maintenance is easy.
   Get best life changing results with us at +Cosmoworld clinic.Cosmoworld clinics is a leading hair transplantation clinic in india at very affordable prices. For more details OR Booking an appointment

CALL- 9643643731, 9643636652

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