Monday 27 February 2017

A brief knowledge about most advanced technique of #Fuehairtransplant

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique individual follicles are extracted directly out from the donor area and then are implanted in the recipient site.
In FUE method in which hair grafts are extracted one-by-one from the back and sides of the scalp with the help of special instrument called punches under the local anesthesia by insulin syringe.
The surgeon then cleans and numbs the area where the hair will go, then he delicately places each graft to the bald areas with the help of special imported planters, it then grows into healthy hair within few weeks.
FUE is generally selected over traditional hair transplantation techniques (FUT) because it is an advanced procedure that can successfully harvest more follicles in small sessions or in single sessions.
With FUE harvesting of grafts is also possible from various other areas of the body other than the head scalp like chest, beard, arm,back legs etc.

Advantages of FUE with Cosmoworld Clinics-

Cosmoworld Clinics is the Best hair transplant clinic in india delivering natural looking hairs at par with international standards. 

FUE technique for hair transplant is always suggested by doctors as it has various advantages:
  • No stitches are involved in the procedure as graft placement is done through pen technique that does not involve any slit or hole.
  • FUE assures faster recovery and post-surgical pain and discomfort is minimized.
  • FUE at Cosmoworld Clinics is performed with latest and advanced technology. Mega session can also be performed for transplanting maximum grafts in one session.
  • It negates the need for large areas of scalp as a donor for transplantation.
  • It is the safest and the most trusted system for grafts extraction.

For more info-

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