Tuesday 28 February 2017

Patient Common Query regarding #HAIRTRANSPLANT

** How much time & Pain in Hair Transplant Surgery ?

Ans- Hair transplant surgery generally take from 6-8 hours depending upon number of grafts and is performed using local anesthesia. Its a 1 day procedure hence no admission or stay is required.

Patients are often awake but feel relaxed. There is usually little or no pain during the surgical procedure. There should be no other pain experienced during the procedure. The recovery 
after the procedure is smooth and there is minimal pain and discomfort, for which medications are prescribed so that it remain under control.

The donor area, w
here the permanent grafts are taken, is covered by dressing which will be removed after 3 days.
In FUE there are no stitches or cut given so no linear visible scar anywhere on the scalp. FUE does not leave scars on the head. 
The final result of FUE in all patients is that of a natural, healthy-looking head of hair.

@COSMOWORLDCLINICS offers Best solution for your hair loss problems by advanced FUE Technology. Our experienced team of Doctors are committed to deliver natural looking results. 

For More Information fill in your details in contact us form or call  8467822400

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