Wednesday 5 April 2017

#ThinningHair in Women

#ThinningHair in Women

Thinning hair is an issue that’s faced by both men and women. Fortunately, there are effective ways to treat hair thinning.

Check out what are the causes your hair to thin...

Unlike serious hair loss, hair thinning in women is much more gradual and usually does not result in complete baldness. 
While serious hair loss usually ends up with at least some exposed patches, thinning hair usually means...
Hair remains all over the head, but there is less texture to the point where the scalp looks exposed beneath.
Causes of Thinning Hair
Like many medical conditions, thinning hair can be caused by a variety of factors. First, the myths:
1-Hair loss is caused by shampoo.

2-Hair loss is caused by age.

3-You will definitely lose your hair if your mom or dad did.

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